Thursday, March 28, 2013


Hey, if you have stumbled upon my blog by accident take a second to look around. You may like it here. What do you think? If not, you can quickly escape by clicking the red "x" in the upper right corner and there will not be any hard feelings :)

However, if you happen to be a student at the University of West Alabama and taking the course ED 505 you are exactly where you need to be). (Please do not exit classmates.)

My name is Miriam Twilley. I am 22 years old. I live in Tuscaloosa, Alabama and I have been here since I was 16. That is when I started attending college at the University of Alabama and received my Bachelor's in Early Childhood Education. I work at Tuscaloosa Head Start as a 4-year-old teacher. However, there are some 3 and 5 year-olds in my class. My blog will probably be more of the extended version of my twitter account @MiriamTwilley. Twitter tends to cap posts at 140 characters and I'm well beyond that.

I hope this blog gives you a new perspective, a tiny view of my world, and is not sooo boring you hate that you are obligated to read it!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Miriam,
    Just came upon your Blog. It is hard for me to get to al of them. I was looking at you sight and enjoyed looking at your ideals on making games, puzzles and cartons.
    Thanks, for sharing
