Friday, March 29, 2013

Web 2.0 Resources


Personally, I felt like Glogster was very difficult to use. It takes a long time to understand how to navigate the site. I found that disappointing because I had heard positive feedback on the site, but I had never personally use it. I consider myself to be pretty tech-savvy, but it took me hours to try and add my assigned data to my glog. I was still not really satisfied with my page after I'd done my best.


I liked the simplicity of Animoto. However, I found there was a maximum of 7 slides without the full version. My animoto ended up with 7 pictures when I originally planned on having text between the photos. There was also a short maximum on the caption list which I felt was not necessary

Free Choice

I chose as my free choice. I browsed all the other sites briefly before choosing this one and liked the basic aspects of this site most. I view myself interested in teaching younger children most and I felt the other sites were too advanced and this one was most kid-friendly. I have attached three pictures from three of the games I played.

This picture is from the jigsaw puzzle maker game.

This game changes the color of a photo and creates a tile image.

This game allows you to add comic strips to photos. I will have to learn how to change the size of the caption later. 

All photos used in this blog were also used in my animoto and were royalty free. Most even contained the copy-written information at the bottom of the photo.

Below is the image of my concept map.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you when it comes to glogster. I had the most difficult time trying to figure out that website. I do know how to work a computer but this website made me feel like I was slow.
